I am not sure about y’all, but my closet often looks as if a tornado went through it. I try and keep things as organized as possible on a daily basis, but let’s face it life happens! Before I know it, I have stuffed things in every….. single…. corner. So this past summer when we moved, was a great time for me to purge and reorganize everything from scratch.
First, I like to categorize my wardrobe into seasons.
This makes it so much easier and less time consuming for me to “shop my closet.” Within the seasons I then group similar pieces of clothing together. For example; Winter is categorized by sweaters, jackets, vests and coats. Within these groupings I then section them by color (visually this just makes your closet look much more cohesive and essentially eliminates time searching for that “other” blue blouse you have that might be buried somewhere in there). Below I put together a little how-to guide showing you how I map out grouping similar pieces of clothing within my closet. This is helpful because I’m able to look at all of the options I have in one place which essentially help me choose what I want to wear.
- Short Sleeve shirts
- Long Sleeve shirts
- Knits
- Button ups
- Blouses
- Summer dresses
- Winter dresses
- Cocktail or Formal gowns
- Short dresses grouped together and Long dresses together
- Sweaters (by color and by weight i.e. heavy knit vs. light)
- Jackets and coats
- Vests
- Scarves
- Shorts
- Skirts
- Pants
- Heels
- Tennis Shoes
- Boots
- Casual flats
- Sandals
- Everyday
- Evening
- Belts (By color)
- Hats (By style)
I decided to add two belt racks as part of my wardrobe makeover, one to hang up all of my belts and the other to hang up extra purses. I was lucky enough in our new house that they had built in shelving in the closet to display shoes and bags, but some of the shelves are a bit too high to reach on a daily basis so I hung the purses I use most often within arms reach. In the near future I plan on getting some sort of a step stool to help me reach those pesky higher shelves.
The biggest and most dramatic update to my wardrobe makeover came from changing out all of my old hangers to new all white wooden ones. If you are anything like me, I have had some of these old hangers f-o-r-e-v-e-r! They are often bent and broken and look terrible, but who wants to spend money on replacing something you already have? I know I didn’t! So I bit the bullet and ordered 300 all-white wooden hangers with gold hooks from Amazon to give my closet that boutique look and feeling. I priced several of them out and Amazon had the best quality hangers for the price. If you aren’t quite ready to spend that much money, another option could be to spray paint any old wooden hangers you have all in the same color.
Three important things here:
- I love the way the all white wooden hangers make my closet look. When you walk in it’s visually beautiful and everything matches.
- They take up a lot of space, I would almost say DOUBLE the amount! This became a problem because I ran out of space quickly and had to then transfer some of my clothing to my husbands closet yikes! Lucky for me, he is not a shopper so there was plenty of room lol. But who wants half of their closet in another place? Something to think about. I would suggest purging some old clothes and items that you don’t wear anymore. This would be a great opportunity to donate them to someone in need.
- Dress For Success is an amazing international not-for-profit company who’s mission is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Just by donating some of your used clothing you can help offer long lasting solutions to breaking the cycle of poverty. Dress For Success has gone global and expanded to 150 cities in 27 countries and they have helped nearly 1 million women work towards self sufficiency. What an amazing cause of women supporting other women! So instead of throwing out those old work clothes that you haven’t worn in years, think about donating them to a fellow mother, daughter or sister who might need some help getting back on her feet.
I hope this wardrobe makeover post was helpful and I’d love to hear your stories if you decide to update your own closets.
Happy reorganizing!!

Great post! Such a dream closet!!
Thank you so much babe!! You are the sweetest!